Viale Raffaello Sanzio, 37 - Valverde di Cesenatico
(+39) 0547.86290
(+39) 335.6348373

All data provided to Hotel Cavour di Giovannini Mirella will be treated in accordance with the legislation currently in force on privacy, and in particular EU Reg. 679/2016.

Data undergoing processing
Browsing data

For security reasons and to fulfil to specific legal obligations, the technical data of user connections are recorded in text files stored on the server (so-called Log files).
Some technical data are recorded in log files, such as:

  • IP address of the visitor;
  • date and time of connection;
  • page displayed;
  • source web page;
  • browser and operating system used.

Such data allow to find the identity of the connection owner. However, this can only be done after specific technical checks to be performed by the judicial authorities only. Under no circumstances will our employees be able to autonomously trace back visitors’ identity through such browsing data, and in no case will data be aggregated with other data sources in our possession so as to track browsing history of specific users.


For more information about the use of cookies by and by third-parties, please visit this page and consult the detailed information (cfr. cookies policy).

Details provided voluntarily

A specific declaration will be displayed every time the user is required to register and provide his/her personal details to use certain services.
If required, the collection of data is essential for using the services offered by

Purpose of data processing

We use browsing data and personal details provided voluntarily by users only for specific and lawful purposes, for which these details have been collected. In some cases, it is possible that the collected data are disclosed and/or processed by service providers, which only receive and use the data necessary for the accomplishment of the task they are in charge of.

We process log files to check proper site functioning and to protect our systems against possible cyber-attacks;
Personal details provided voluntarily are processed:

  • to supply the requested services;
  • to carry out billing operations (for paid services);
  • to send newsletters or advertising messages;
  • to process specific user requirements, automatically or manually.

Cookies are processed in compliance with the dedicated information.

Processing methods

Data will be processed mainly automatically by means of specific IT tools. A possible manual intervention will be provided by authorized operators only in limited and specific cases, usually upon request by the person involved. Adequate security measures are taken to prevent data loss, unlawful and improper use, and unauthorized access.

Non-compulsory data

Except from that already specified for browsing data (log files) and partly for cookies (which can be blocked and/or deleted through specific browser integrated functions), the user is free to provide or not provide personal data listed in the registration and/or information forms. However, we would like to point out that lacking provision might imply the inability to achieve the service requested.

Data controller

The data processing manager is the business/company/person whose name is registered in the public register as domain name owner.
The public register of internet domains can be viewed on this page: by entering domain name in the search box.

For further information about the processing of personal details, you can write us at the e-mail address given on the contact page of this Website.

Rights of the Data Subject

Under Art. 15 of EU Reg. 679/16, the user has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether there are any personal details on file about him/her and to know the content and source, verify their accuracy and ask for details to be added, updated or corrected. The user also has the right to request the cancellation, the transformation into an anonymous form, or the block of processed data treated unlawfully, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to its treatment. In any case, the data subject can exercise his/her rights by sending a request in writing by standard mail to our head office or by sending us an email message to the address given on the contact page of this Website.

Newsletter service DOES NOT send spam. Every email message to our users is sent following a specific request.
If you sign up to receive our Newsletter, remember that you can cancel it at any time using the link at the bottom of every message you receive.

Heb je een vraag? Je kunt ons eenvoudig kontakteren door middel van de kontaktgegevens die volgen.